Web Testing

Mobile Applications Quality Assurance

Web Testing

  1. Functional:
    Every website is built with an intention to serve a business purpose which is divided into a collection of functionalities. Making sure individual functionalities work as expected are key to achieve to achieve success in designing the perfect website. Our team are passionate about delivering a high quality website by thoroughly testing it and reporting bugs in early stages of development.
  2. Contents: typos and broken links
    Checking the contents of the website for typos, missing images, broken-links, alignment of text to fit various device screen sizes like PC, Mobile, Tablets etc.
  3. Cross-browser & Cross platform testing
    Another key aspect of any website is that it should be displayed in the same way when viewed from any browser. We test each and every website in major browsers which are widely used by users. Our test machines have the following five browsers installed in which the website will be tested:

    1. PC – IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari
    2. Mac – Safari, Chrome, Firefox
    3. Tablets – iPad: Safari and Chrome, Android Tablets: Chrome and Firefox
    4. Mobile – iPhone/iTouch: Safari and Chrome, Android mobiles: Chrome and Firefox.
  4. UI/UX testing – theme and font colors, Images, navigation, usability, Aesthetic (typos, broken links)
    Any website which not designed in an user friendly way is not going make an impression, in short ‘If people can’t use a product, they won’t.’ Navigating the website should be a smooth experience for the user and User should be able to reach the correct page within the website in fewer clicks, 4 is most widely accepted. The UI/UX testing also includes the design aspects of the website like Themes, colors used for various elements of the site, location of fields, buttons etc.